Photo "Old Books" from The Stock Exchange (http://www.sxc.hu)
To Write a Paper or to Present...That is the Question
This is a very difficult question for me at this time. On one hand I detest writing and reading papers, but on the other I equally detest Keynote. One of the concepts that I'm having a difficult time dealing with is the fact that over the past 10 months we've learned so many interesting ways to deliver media, yet this is what my end result choices are reduced to.
At this time, I am thinking that it might be more in my favor to just write the paper. As much as the opportunity to present my findings at a conference excites me, I don't exactly know if I will be able to commit myself to any speaking engagements should my work be deemed worthy enough to deliver to an audience of my peers. That coupled with the fact that my AR was so personal to me and my classroom that I feel like speaking about it will be equivalent to "preaching to the choir."
Joe-My feelings exactly. I am leaning more towards writing a paper. I don't feel that my AR project is really worthy of making a presentation out of it. I mean I think people are interested in it but I just don't think it's presentation type material. As far as the ways to deliver this, I am right on target with how you are feeling! It's very frustrating to not be able to use what we have learned. Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do.